flex-Tech(niques) - Flexibility as a principle

Our extensive expertise in a variety of process technologies - such as hand lay-up, vacuum expansion, SMC (Sheet Molding Compound), deep drawing, VA-RTM (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding) and PUR processing (polyurethane) - gives us a unique position in the market. This technological bandwidth enables us to select the optimum production method for specific requirements.

Pre-assembled driver's workstation, made of integral hard foam and compact foam parts using the RIM process
Ein Icon, bei dem eine Hand auf eins der vielen Verfahren zeigt
Three-piece engine and transmission encapsulation made of extra-light low-density SMC for Mercedes Benz Citaro 2
Cross section through a VEX sandwich construction
Additively manufactured painting stencils

Depending on market requirements - such as production volume, surface quality or technical specifications - we select the best and most economical process. In this way, we ensure that our customers receive tailor-made and cost-optimized solutions, which shortens production time and enables significant cost savings.

The Flex-Tech(niques) principle allows us to scale with the product - whether by adapting to changing production volumes or modified specifications. This ability to adapt to dynamic requirements is a decisive competitive advantage. In customer projects, for example, we were able to adapt production capacities to changing demand, which significantly reduced storage costs and increased efficiency.


The Flex-Tech(niques) principle at a glance:

  • Tailor-made and cost-optimized solutions for specific requirements
  • Flexible choice of manufacturing processes due to changes in production volumes
  • Reduction in production time and cost savings
  • Increased efficiency in customer projects

This makes us the right partner for the production of plastic and fiber composite components.

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